Data is Reusable

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Metadata and data should be described in a way that allows for data replication, so that it can be reused and repurposed by computers.

Make Sure Your Data is REUSABLE by Ensuring:
(How to Make Your Data FAIR | Universiteit Utrecht, n.d.; How to Make the Data FAIR, n.d.)

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Data and metadata are richly described with several accurate and relevant attributes.

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Data and metadata are released with a clear and accessible data usage license.

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Data and metadata are associated with detailed provenance i.e. that explains how, why and who created and processed the data.

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All data meets domain-relevant community standards.

Important to Note:

Good data management is the key for data (re)use. For example:

  • Planning for reuse and publication
  • Choose the appropriate citation
  • Choose appropriate rules by using simple and explicit data license
  • Describing how the data has been specified, collected, analysed and transformed (Australian National Data Service, n.d.)